Monday, March 11, 2013

We Belong Together :)

was made for each other

Running to the store
Valdeena meeting with Deshawn
After begging her dad for a dollar, Valdeena run to the store just to buy her favorite chocolate bar, as all her classmates were talking about it during lunch she couldn’t wait just to give the chocolate bar a bite and let it melt in her mouth. While she walking to the store, leaving her dad behind, as Valdeena begging Mr. Leon to keep her the last bar, but she wasn’t the only one wanted to taste that soft-crunchy new chocolate bar, when she get to the store, she find Mr. Leon arguing with Mrs. Carlton because she wanted to buy the chocolate for her son Deshawn, Mr. Leon gazed at Valdeena and said ‘’ the last chocolate bar its belong to that 5 years old girl. Mrs. Carlton and Deshawn turn and stares at Valdeena, and Mrs. Carlton said ‘’ ohh I’m sorry’’ and she give Valdeena the chocolate bar, and hold Deshawn hand walk out, while they walking out Valdeena rip the chocolate bar and run to Deshawn and said ‘’ wait you can have some of mine’’ and she hand it to him and he said ‘’thank you’’ and both of them smile, Mr. Marti and Mr. Leon were proud of Valdeena, and Mrs. Carlton gazed at Valdeena and said ‘’What a good girl, about you and your daddy come have dinner with us tonight’’ Valdeena stares at Mr. Marti and shook her head. Since than Valdeena would call Deshawn Dee and Deshawn called her Val’, Even though Valdeena’s mom were dead since she were born she didn’t feel alone because Mrs. Carlton, she take care of them as her two kid, they would give her work to do but she didn’t mind because her only son would smile every time Valdeena were around. Valdeena and Deshawn remains best friend, they went to the same elementary school and middle school, during those times Valdeena and Deshawn made a promised that they will stay forever.   
First day in high school
New crushes
‘’ Dee let’s go its almost time’’ said Val while sitting in the car with Mr. Marti. ‘’Sweetie you early its 7:00 am’’ said Mr. Marti, ‘’But daddy we have to be early so we can walk around the school, so we can meet other freshman’’ Mr. Marti stares at her and smile. ‘’ Good morning Mr. Mart’’ said Dee while getting in the car, ‘’ We soo late because of your slow ass’’ said Val, ‘’ I love you too bestie muahh’’ kissing Val in her cheek, all three laughing and Mr. Marti drove away, ‘’ I can’t believe we a freshman’’ said De while giggling, ‘’ Me neither I hope we have same classes as we used to back in middle ‘’ said Val. Val and Shawn attend Hurston SN High  four to five blocks away from Val’s house but still Mr. Marti want to drive her and pick Shawn. When they get to the school Val kissed her dad bye and run walk to the school with Dee, after they left, Mr. Marti watch them walking away from him and couldn’t believe his own eyes how they finish growing up on him and wish that Valdeena’s mom were there just to see her. When Dee and Val get to the cafeteria, things were different, the kids were more mature than what they imagine and taller, Dee and Val were almost the same height, Dee is a red bone and Val’ have a caramel skin with a dark brown eyes which didn’t really bother them to hang around. ‘’ Darmn he fine!’’ said Val staring at some senior sitting in groups of kids laughing, ‘’Amen he look gay to me look at his smile’’ said Dee staring while staring back at Val with his jealous face which he tried to hide, ‘’No he don’t you just jealous’’ Dee just roll his eyes and move on and left Val standing in the line, ‘’De wait I’m sorry’’ said Val running after Dee when she turn at the corner after Dee, she find him talking to a girl, she was feeling depressing like she never been before but didn’t know why,  she left them alone, while walking alone she see a little corner with two stairs, sitting in the stairs feeling lonely as she never felt before, tears were running out of eyes which has been a long time since she cried, the last time she actually were crying it been forever since she shed a tears since when Dee fall off his bike and broke his leg, which have left a scars on his harm, since than he always wearing a jacket when he going out. Everything were showing up on her mind even her mother death, ‘’I wonder how my mommy used to look like’’ murmuring as she sit in the corner, she lay her back to the wall suddenly a door open like a portal, she was shock and look around to see if anyone is looking, she walking in slowly, she was impress about the place, until she realize that is was West Des Moines valley, there was a water fall she feel like it was in another world she  couldn’t stop smiling and jumping around and bird were flying everywhere and singing, butterflies were so colorful, her phone were vibrating, Dee were calling her but she ignore his call and decide to walk back to class, when she get to the class ‘’Where have you been?’’ said Mrs. P. staring at her and she said I was lost and went to sit down in the empty sit right by De, ‘Where have you been I was crazy looking for you’’ Dee whispering to Val with the same worried eyes that Mr. Marti usually used to stare at Val when she come home late and didn’t pick up his calls.’ Wow I see you cared after leaving me hanging in the line and running after some bitch I mean some girl’ Val said with sarcasm and turn to catch up with the rest of the class, ‘’ I’m sorry ok I didn’t mean to and I didn’t know that you would be pissed about that you usually ok it when I do it around you with other girls and of course I care for you and you know it you my only best friend and I love you’’ said truthfully, ‘‘ Yeah ,yeah right and I have something to show you after class’’ they smile at each other and back to work. When the bell ring both of them run out of the class and she drag him through all the kid in the hallway to the corner, she was touching the wall but it didn’t want to open, Dee cross his arm on his chest and looking at Val like she were crazy, while Val were keep touching the wall. ‘’It only open on Saturday’’ a voice from behind them said, they jumped a turn and turn to face Ben the school Janitor they both shook their heads and walk away Val, couldn’t stop explain to Dee how the place look like ‘’ its like a paradise its so beautiful’’ said Val, ‘’I can’t wait to see it and how did you found out about it?’’ ask Dee,’’ um I just found it’’ Val look away, ‘’But how you never like saying in a corner’’ he said, ‘’ I told you that I just found it’’ she snap he knew that she lying, he hold took her hand and face her and look into her eyes and said ‘’ What’s wrong? You were crying? Huh?’’ he ask with a worrying eyes, ‘’Yes and I don’t want to talk about it’’ she said, he hug her tightly and kiss her ford head, and walk her to her next class.  
         Saturday morning
Val meets her grandma
Saturday morning they wake up early around 6 am and drove to the school, when they get to the school they run to the corner and open the door before other kids come to the school for practice, when they open the door, Dee didn’t want to go on, ‘’ Do you think it’s a good Idea’’ Val said Dee stares back at her and give her are you killing me look, ‘’ Aw u scared’’ Val teasing,’’ No! I’m not’ De snap back ’, Val hold his hand and walking, he was in love with the place, ‘’this a Paradise, lets call it ’Paradise of run to the fall and jump with all his clothes on, Val didn’t want to go on the water Dee swim deeply down the water and pull Val feet into the water, they were laughing, playing around and they spent the whole day there when they finally came out it was 6 pm they both were completely wet,’’ Look at me now I look like a mess thanks to you’’ said Val half joking Dee just smile at her and her hand and walk to the bus stop they had to catch the 6:30 Pm Bus to go home when they get on the bus it was cold as an igloo of ice they hold each other tightly people were staring at them but they didn’t mind until a old lady sitting in front of them turn and said ‘’ you guys are Couples? When I see your guys together make me really miss my husband, we were best friend back than until we started dating in high school’’. They look at each other, smile awkwardly and separate slowly and look away from each other, it was so quiet on the bus, the only noise you could hear were the bus motor, when Dee get on his stop, he hug her bye, when he left Val get off slowly and go sit by the old lady just to ask the lady about her husband, she was looking at Val with her dark-blue eyes, her skin were brown, her voice were shook almost to cry and she would close her eyes to hid her tears’’ I met my Mike when we were little about 6-7 years old, we were best friend since than, we went to the same school from elementary to high school, Mike would get jealous every time I talk to another boy, and I would feel the same when he checking out some other girls that passing by, our love life where like fairy tale, cute but real, we were name high school queen and king and get rewarded for best couple and best friend from the whole school, we went to college together, we were college sweetheart and get married and we have a daughter name Valencia our only child, she pass away while given birth to her first baby, I heard it was a girl but I never have a chance to meet my granddaughter and today that’s why I’m in the bus I don’t know where I’m going but I feel close to her’’ They both wipe out tears of their eyes, ‘’Do you remember you granddaughter daddy name’’? Ask Val, ‘’of coursed I do its Mr. Mar...Marti’’. Val hug her and said softly ‘’Here I am grandma you find me’’, ‘’ohh sweetie you the only thing I have left in this world I don’t want to die without you, you look so much with your mom, same hair, same lips shape’’. Val were happy to see her grandma, she took her grandma baggage and walk home with her, her dad were shock to see Mrs. Mike, Val were feel and have girl talk. ‘’Dee guesses what’’ said Val over the phone with Dee, ‘’what’’, ‘’ remember the lady that had ask us if we were couples?’’, ‘’how could I forget her, and...’’.Without let him finish his sentence Val were to excited to tell him the new, ‘’ ahh!! she my grandma don’t you think that awesome..’’ said Val with a smile in her face they spent the whole night talking about her grandma love story until they both fall sleep over the phone.
Monday morning
Val meets a new boy

‘’Good morning everyone’’ said Mr. Minch in P.E. class, everyone went to the locker to change, ‘’Hey my name Kevin but you can call me Kev for short’’ said a caramel skin and a pizza face boy said while walking by Val, ‘’ Oh hi I’m Valdeena’’ Val said trying to fix her tennis shoes ‘’ Nice to meet you, about if I call you Deena for short’’, ‘’ sound cool to me’’ Val smiling at Kev, Dee wearing his short and blue t-shirt and waiting for Val so they can walk together, but she never show up, so he went to look for her by her locker, he find her talking to the new boy his eyes were glooming at them and said ‘’ Val lets go we will left behind’’ he took Val hand and walk away with her and stare back at Kev just to warned him to stay away from Val, ‘’give me three laps freshman!’’ said Mr. Minch. Val were running by Dee and Kev dressing up like everyone else and  run to catch up with them, Val were running in the middle of them, she was talking to Kev , they were talking and laughing and share phone number Dee left the track  and went to sit down, ‘’ Why you stop’’ asks Val standing by Dee, he look at her and roll his eyes and went back to run he spent the whole day ignore her, Val almost spent the whole day hanging around with Kev, they went to lunch together and walk to class together, when Mr. Marti come to pick them up, Dee walk to the car without Val, ‘’ Where is she’’ ask Mr. Marti, ‘’ I don’t know and I don’t want to know since this morning she been hanging out with some ugly dude here they are’’ Dee said , ‘’ you jealous why don’t you just tell her you feel?’’ staring at Dee using his mirror, ‘’ Nah man she interested on some dude name Kev’’ said Dee groaning the word out, Val hug Kev good bye and run to the car, when she get in its was completely quiet, ‘’ So your guys going to stay quiet’’ said Mr. Marti while droving away, both of them shrug and look away. ‘’ daddy! Where are we going’’ said Val while watching the street. Mr. Marti drove them to a park and said ‘’ Get off the car and go talk to each other like your guys used to when your guys were 10’’ said Mr. Marti, ‘’ but we not 10 anymore can you just drive me home please I have a headache’’ said Dee Mr. Marti looks at them and shook his head and drove away and drops Dee off, Dee thanks Mr. Marti and walk away without saying a word to Val, she just sit there and look at his back rushing to go home.
Love and death
‘’um yeah’’ said Val answering Dee phone’s call, ‘’Val I have a confession to make’’, ‘’What is it’’ said Val softly and scared, ‘’ Val I love you, I really do you just don’t know how it feels just to see you with that dude Kev, It hurts a lot and I likes you more than friend’’ said Dee seriously and his voice were shook with fears, ‘’ Why you never told me?’’, ‘’ Because I’m scared that you don’t likes me back the’’ there was a long quiet on the phone ‘’Would you to go to a date with me?’’ , ‘’ Of course I would like to, and I like you too’’ it was so quiet and awkward over the phone both of them stay quiet, ‘’ Wait when? do you mean now?’’ asks Val, ‘’ yup I’m going to get ready and my mom driver will drive us there’’, ‘’okay’’ said Val with a smile on her face, Val went to her room pull out all her dresses and start to try them on, her grandma walk in to the room and stand watching her grand-daughter rushing to get ready he jump on Mrs. Mike and dance with her, ‘’ He ask me on a date’’ singing Val, her grandma smile looking at her dancing while trying each of her dress until she finally chose her favorite dress a baby blue Vera Wang Lavender Open Back Dress, the dress fit her body properly ,when she get ready, Dee never show up she was sitting outside with her grandma looking where Dee’s car coming from but he didn’t make it, until at 10 pm the phone were breaking buzzing, Val run to answer it, ‘’ Did you see Dee he told me he were going to a date with you’’, said Mrs. Carlton with her worried voice, ‘’No he didn’t show up I tough he left me hanging, I been waiting for him but he didn’t show up’ said Val, Mrs. Carlton door where knocking down and she tell her to hold on while she answer the door, ‘’Are you Mrs. Carlton Dee’s mom ?’’ said the police standing at the door, ‘’ Yes it’s me what happen to my son? What trouble did he put himself into?’’ said Mrs. Carlton looking at the police, ‘’ your son got to a car accident the car burn down on 35th but we didn’t find not even his bone and also the driver the other person who was drive also died’ she fall on the couch ‘’ Oh no that’s impossible not my son not Dee ‘’morn Mrs. Carlton, ‘’ Mrs. Carlton what happen to Dee?’’ said Val was on the other of side of the phone, ‘’We lost him Val, De is gone’’ the phone fall off her hand and she fell unconsciously, when Mr. Marti walk to the house he find Val on the floor and he call 911 telling the EMT that her   daughter is not okay, hours later Val wake up she find herself in the hospital, ‘’Daddy Dee is  dead, daddy he dead, he left me, its because of me that he dead if I didn’t accept his date invitation he would of stay on his bed not in the street’’ crying Val, ‘’ Don’t say that sweetie its not your fault, its no one fault sweetie so go back to sleep’’ said Mr. Marti hugging Val tightly and try to calm her down, Val stay awoke the whole night sobbing thinking of all the moment they spent together, she kiss her friendship necklace that Dee had give her in friendship day. ‘’God why? Why?’ whispers to herself, ‘’De why you left me?’’ she didn’t want to live after knowing she lost her best friend they were about to be something she always wish to be, his girlfriend. In Saturday they made the funeral a lot of people attend to show respect Dee and Mr. Jack, they didn’t have a coffin for Dee because they didn’t find his body and Mrs. Carlton believe that her son is not dead he just sleeping, teachers from Elementary school through High School show up and talk how a great student Deee were, and Mr. Jack Family also said a few word on favor of Mr. Jack, Val didn’t attend the ceremony he just didn’t want to say good bye to her old friend, she didn’t even went to the cemetery. After the funeral Mrs. Carlton move to her old town Georgia she felt there’s nothing left in Miami, and Mr. Marti let Val skip school for the rest of the following weeks she didn’t went out for the whole week but stay in her room, ‘’Sweaty eat something, think how he would want you to be happy and eat, smile and move on’’ said Mrs. Mike sitting in the corner by Val, ‘’ Grandma he died cause of me, how can I move on? Huh?’’ said Val wiping tears from her eyes, ‘’ Ohh sweetie I understand your pain that’s how much I felt when Mike dead, he was young too he pass away when your mom where n her 30’s after married your daddy after five I lost my daughter, your mom, but I still carried on it was hard but I know he would want me to keep living for me and for the rest of us.’ said Grandma rub Val’s back, tears were running out of Val like a water fall. Days later Val went for a walk like she usually do with Dee, she was crying smiling every time Dee would give a joke about anything they see, Val was crossing the old train trail, she don’t even remember when was the last time train actually pass there, but Dee and her would usually bet that day the train would pass, who ever lost would do something for the other. Val were standing in the middle of the train trail, she was surprise to heard the train actually pass, tear runs out of her eyes, it was coming fast she stood in the middle of the trail she didn’t want to move all she wanted is to get rid of the miserable life she living , ‘’ Are u losing your darmn mind you almost got killed’’ said a boy on the top of Val, ‘’Get off me and you should of leave me, I want to die I can’t live this life no more I hate my life’ said Val with angers and pain, he hug her tightly and said ‘’ You will be fine’’ she nodded and he let go of her. He was a dark brown skin boy following with a beautiful eyes he walk her way home, ‘’ You can stop now’’ Val said staring at the boy that just stop him from doing the stupidest thing she could have done ‘’No I will walk you home and I’m Andrew but they call me Drew’’, ‘’I’m Valdeena, nice to meet you’’ he nodded at and ask ‘’What make you want to kill yourself? ‘’, ‘’My best friend died in a accident while picking me up for a date’’ said Val staring at her hand, ‘’Oh sorry to hear that’’ he said hugging her, he walk with her hugging her neck, when they reach to Val porch they say bye to each other and Drew walk back home.
Senior year
It’s that Dee?
‘’Deena ova here’’ said Drew scream at Val, ‘’Hey Drew’’  Val and Drew been hanging around with each other since the day he saved her, he helped her stop thinking about Dee they only like each other as a friend. She run to him and hug him tightly, they were happy to start school together, ‘’ Look at that girl do you think I should go talk to her’’ said Drew while checking a junior light skin, with a long braids sitting in a corner reading, Val smile and walk to the girl, ‘’Deena don’t’’ Drew scream at Val, ‘’ Hi are you new over here’’ said Val looking at the girl reading, she close her book slowly and stare at Val. ‘’Hi what’s your name? I’m Sara’’ saying the girl with a British accent, ‘’Oh I’m Valdeena u can call me Deena’’ they both smile and start walking toward the line to have breakfast, Drew were sitting looking at them two walking, during Lunch Val invite Sara to sit with them, Val introduce Sara to Drew, ‘’You have a beautiful name Sara’’ said Drew, ‘’ Thank you ‘’ said Sara softly, ‘’Well I have to check out some books later guys’’ said Val pick up her tray and waved them bye, while walking toward the library a boy step on Val’s shoes ‘’Boy watch where you going!!’’ said Val, ‘’ I’m sorry I’m just in a hurry’’ said a boy softly, he help her pick up the book, ‘’I’m Shawn and sorry again’’, ‘’ I’m Valdeena and its ok’’ said Val with a smile on her face, ‘’ Cool well see you later Val’’ and he walk out, she was shock to heard him call her Val which remind her a lot of Dee, how he the only one call her Val, she just shrug and walk to check out some books, the line were long which make her late for her last class, ‘’ Good Afternoon Valdeena welcome back’’ said Mrs. P, Val smile and thanks her, Shawn were in the class, he was staring at her while she was walking in with a smile on her face, ‘’ Do you realize that new boy sit on Dee’s desk? Remember you didn’t want anyone to sit there in our period?’’ Drew whisper to Val, ‘’ Yeah I see but there’s something about him that seem so familiar how he look at me and sit on the chair I remember how Dee been sit crossing his foot all away up’’ whispering back to Drew, Val look on Shawn way while he took out his permanent marker and finish written Deshawn whole name on the desk. Tomorrow morning while Val were sitting in the library reading her and Dee’s favorite book, the know the whole book by heart, ‘’Good morning’’ a voice said, Val looks up seeing Shawn standing in front of her, ‘’Hey’’ Val said closing the book, ‘’That’s my favorite book’’ said Shawn staring down at the book, ‘’Me too and also Dee’s favorite book’’ said Val smiling hugging the book, the school bell ring and Val standing up and passing by Shawn to walk out  ‘’Who do you have?’’ said Shawn looking at Val. ‘’ I have Algebra 2 about you?’’, ‘’Me too about we walk to class together maybe we can know each other a little bit more’’ staring at Val with the same eyes Dee usually used to look at her when he telling her ‘’ I love you too bestie’’, she shook her head ok, ‘’ Drew!’’ Val poke Drew in front of her, ‘’what happen I think he like you’’ said Drew turn back at Val eying Shawn, ‘’ I think I likes him for some reason’’ said Val blushing’’, ‘’ Go for it I’m having lunch with Sara today I really liked her’’ said Drew smiling both of them smile and back to work. ‘’ so you grew up here?” said Shawn walking in the hall way with Val ‘’yeah about you where you from’’, ‘’I grew up here until..’’ he didn’t finish his sentence and said ‘’ I don’t know its kind of confused and one day you will understand’’, ‘’ oh really I’m easy to understand you can tell me now’’, ‘’ no Val if I tell you, you wouldn’t believe me and I hope when you find out the truth you don’t hate me but loves me more’’ she look at him and smile and they both walk to  their next class. During lunch Richie walk to Val table, Richie is a tall light skin boy arrogant and always ready to fight and have a crush on Val since their Sophomore year but she never had interest on him, she believe that Richie is just a jerk who believe that he can have any girl he want. ‘’ Wow Val have a new friend so who that punk?’’ said Richie staring at Shawn while Val, Sara, Drew, and Shawn sitting down eating, ‘’Oh please Richie get a life’’ said Val rolling her eyes,, ‘’ Shut up’’ said Richie and put his hand on Val shoulder, Shawn stares at Richie up and down and stand to in front of Richie ‘’I know you aint talking’’ , ‘’ Val didn’t tell you who I am, I’m Richie I run this school’’ Shawn stares up to Richie and suck his teeth and walk out of the cafeteria, Val walk after him ‘’ Shawn wait’’ he didn’t stop and went sit on a corner, when she finally catch up with him she find him on the corner where her and Dee used to sit and come every Saturday, ‘’ How do you know about that place’’ said Val looking down at Shawn sitting down, he shrug and look away, she sit in the stairs by him and rap her hand on his neck like she used to do to calm down Dee when he extremely mad she touch him with less fears to even try to kiss him, he look at her, his gazed make her have butterflies on her belly she took a big breath and went for it they kiss avidly, his touch make all her body trembling, the touch were familiar the feelings were all mixed up , she was confusing of where this feeling came from , she try to fight back to pull away but Shawn tongue were already tickle hers, she push him away and run away, Shawn sit down and looking at her back running away from his kiss, he smile and put hut his head down on his hand, later on while she was walking him. When her dad working during those times she has to walk home, ’Val wait’’ said Shawn calling Val, she look back at him and walk faster she didn’t want to talk about what had happen she was so lucky that she had art class and he had music class for the last period he run to her and hold her hand, she give him the what do you want look , ‘’ I’m sorry about earlier that I kiss you’’ said Shawn looking at Val, ‘’ its ok I was just expecting that kiss from some one else’’ look away to wipe tears off her eyes, ‘’Who? You ex boyfriend?’’ , ‘’Well he was about to be until he pass away, you seem so Familiar to me how you call me your touch, like how you sit in the class room and how you wrote Shawn by Dee’s name, its there something you hiding I know the other you said that one day I would understand don’t you think it’s time to let me know what you hiding?’’ she turn and face him, before he could answer back he notice Ritchie and some other kids running out of a house from 4 blocks with bag of stuff and about to drive away, he pull Val to the wall and kiss her , he catch her by surprise she didn’t know what was that for but she like the moment ‘’what was that for?’’ she ask when he pull back, ‘’I just saw Richie and some kids just walk out of a house hurry, and carried a bag of stuff’’, ‘’oh my are you thinking what I’m thinking?’’ Shawn nodded and take her hand and walk her home, they walk quietly like nothing were happen, she hug him bye and walk home. To ask her out Shawn ask Val for a date, instead of wearing one of her favorite baby blue straps dress she wore something different a skintight red dress that hugged her curves a virgin of Serena Williams and wore her hair up in a ponytail, at 8:30 Pm Shawn walk in Val’s house, a old hill house, with beautiful trees around it he was nervous knowing that he finally going to take Val to a real date, he stand up on the front door wearing his sharp Gucci vest and red ties bow, he knocked on the door , Val were in her room looking herself in the mirror when she heard the door knocking she run to the door to open, the door flew open and Shawn walk in, ‘’Wow you look gorgeous’’ he said ‘’ thank you, you look really handsome’’ she said, fixing his ties and kiss him ‘’Take good care of her’’ a voice said from the kitchen , Shawn turned and smile at Mrs. Martin, she took her purse and rush to the door in to hand with Shawn Mr. Lee, Shawn father decide to drive them to make sure they get there safe, Shawn choose ''Rouge Dinner'' a beautiful blue-green waters of Miami’s Biscayne Bay beckon from every angle. ''How do you know this place I love this place'' Val said while walking to their table, he smiles at her and shrug, she order Rice Noodles and Shrimp Stir Fry with a special sauce and also Shawn order Fork in the Road's Favorite Pasta ''Wow that's Dee favorite dishes'' she said staring at Shawn plate, he smile and put a forks of pasta on his mouth just so she don't ask anymore question, they share their food just like her Dee always do when they go out to eat with Mrs. Carlton, after finish eating dinner they ate Raspberry Lemonade Pie dessert together, after finish dinner Shawn pass her a little box, ''what is that?'' she ask smiling, ''open it'' he said, '' oh my God this is beautiful you didn't have to thank you Shawn'' she said and leave her sit run to hug him and kiss him softly just so she don’t left any lipstick , ''May I?'' he said taking the Necklace from her and put it on her neck by her friendship necklace, he smile when he saw that she still have their friendship necklace, he still have his bracelet that she had give him he usually carried it on his wallet. He pulls of his hand vest up to show his moon bracelet, ''what that mean'' she ask holding her sun necklace, ''It mean that no matter what, we will always together, because we belong together'', ''Awe'' she said blushing he hugs her and kiss her forehead. After the night they were official a couple, walk around the school hand to hand, spending their weekend on Paradise or in each other house. Monday morning one week before their christmas break, a police officer walk to the cafeteria and wanted to talk to them, the cafeteria were quiet to heard what the man got to say, ‘’ A house four blocks from here got rob, some people believe is a student at Hurston High SN. High that did it, and I know if it’s someone from this school’’ they all gasp and look at each other, Shawn and Val look at each other and shook their head, Richie were sweating, he know that if someone saw them it was Valdeena and Shawn, he stare on their way and saw they was looking at him to he look away and whisper to one of his friend ‘’some, someone had saw them, the owner just got from their vacation he said if the person just send them back the diamond necklace or just send them the address where they sold them, they will not file any charges against them’’ most kids where shock when they hear about the diamond necklace, ‘’ that your last chance because I and my staff with find you’’ he said make sure he stared at each of everyone of the student and walk away.  After lunch Shawn walked Val to her art class and rush to get to his music class, ‘why you rushing?’’ sad Richie say blocking Shawn way , ‘’ What do you want’’, ‘’ look I know you saw me the other day you don’t have to tell the police officer I will send the necklace I still have it’’, ‘’ why would you still in the first place’’ Shawn say waiting for an answer, ‘’One of my friend daughter is sick, she have sickle cell and we need to money to buy the vaccine if not she going to die’’ Richie said looking down, Shawn were shock to found out that Richie have a heart he just act like  jerk when he need attention‘’ How much is it cost?’’ Shawn said he know he not rich but he have a little save, ‘’ 1000$’’, ‘’ Jesus that’s a lot, I can help give your friend my save it’s not 100$ but we can work for the rest and only if you send the necklace back, you don’t have to pay me nothing back’’, ‘’thanks don’t tell nobody’’, ‘’I wont’’ he walk pass him and give him the time they going to meet. He get to class late but he surprise Mr. Jackson didn’t said nothing well it’s good when you always on time he said to himself, the time pass fast than of what he though, him and Val walk home together and didn’t tell her about him and Richie, tomorrow morning Shawn met with Richie in the back of the school, he was shock that Richie didn’t bring his body guard, he give him 500$ dollars and tell him how they can make the other half, Shawn told him that he have 300$ save at home from the things he had sold, After school instead of hanging out with Val, Shawn decide to help Richie and his friend get the money by doing fun raising and other things. I found you againVal found Dee One Christmas eve the seniors had a Christmas dance, everyone wear their Christmas outfit, and Val wears her Christmas costume made by her grandma, a full short red dress with low red boot and Shawn dress like Santa only he didn’t have the belly, the place were buzzing with music, everyone was dancing. While Val and Shawn were sitting down, talking, giggling, Drew walk in the room holding Sara hands, they been dating since the first week of school, they walks to Val and Shawn table sitting with them, they girls peek each other and the boys shake hands and pat it’s each other back, They all were dancing with a Christ Brown song ‘’Turn up the music’’ everyone were dancing until the song change to a slow dance to Trey Songz ‘’diving’’ Shawn took Val’s hand and pull her to him, he put his around her back, and she pass her hand on his neck they start to move side to side holding each other tight, ‘’ I need to tell you something’’ Shawn broke the silence between them, ‘’go ahead’’, he put his mouth on her ears and whispers softly ‘’ I’m. I’m Deshawn’’, ‘’What?’’ she said and pull back ‘’ Val please let me finish explain’’ he try to take her hand but she pull back and rush through Drew and Sara and run to the door, Dee try to run after her, but Richie stop on his way and said ‘’ I got this’’ Shawn were surprised that Richie actually want to help him even though he had help him with his friend daughter, Shawn went and sit down on a table and have a drink, ‘’what did you?’ Drew ask Shawn ‘’ I told her the truth, I told her that I’m Deshawn I though she was going to be happy because I’m alive I guess not’’ he said put his head down on his head, ‘’it’s not that she not happy it’s just she was hurt when you died well when they though you were, she was about to kill herself that’s where I met her in the middle of a train trail ready to die’’ tears run out of Dee eyes he didn’t try to stop but let it flow. Richie find Val walking home, ‘’ValDeena wait’’ he call, she stop and stared back at him ‘’Richie I’m not in the mood for that okay’’, ‘’ he wanted to tell you Val he just didn’t want to hurt you’’ she look confused, ‘’you knew about it too how you not even Shawn friend’’ he smiled at her and say ‘’ you wrong me and Shawn are cool now he actually help my homeboy buying Vaccination for his daughter’’ ‘’ he hurt me I blame myself everyday knowing that he would of be here with me if I had just say no, I tell him how I feel, I trust him but he lied to me, you can tell your friend I never want to see him again’’ take off both necklace and give it to Richie and run home, Richie walk back and tell Dee what she had said and give him the necklaces. ‘’Can I talk to Val’’ said Mrs. Lee Shawn’s adopted mom, Mrs. Mike let her walk her in and walk her to Val’s room, ‘’ Val can I talk to you for a min’’ Val nodded and get off her bed and give Mrs. Lee space to sit, ‘’Val Shawn didn’t want to lie to you, he try to tell you the truth but he saw that you was happy, he actually went to spent one week with his mom and went today, I hope you forgive him’’ she said and walk out ‘’ when can I talk to him?’’ she ask rushing after her, ‘’ well about Saturday, you know the place’’ she said smiling and walk out the door, Val went back to bed and listen to her favorite song ‘’we belong together’’ by Mariah Carey tears run out of her eyes she sing alone with Mariah until she fall asleep on.
We belong together
Can’t miss you again
‘’ Dee’’ said Val while walking to the Paradise of love, Shawn turn back at her and said ‘’yes’’, tears were running out of her eyes, ‘’ Val I’m sorry if I had hurt you again, didn’t tell you the truth I’m so selfish’’ he wipe tears from his eyes and went to sit down, ‘’ What happen you didn’t even look like you used to and how could you? Stay there right by me but never tell me that it was you?’’ she said walking to him but leave a big space between them, ‘’ I wanted to tell you, I don’t know you was going to react’’, She walk and sit by him‘’ I wanted to tell you so bad I was just scared to lose you again’’ he said honestly she lay her head on his shoulders and said‘’ About you tell me the whole story don’t leave a single details?’’ he nodded and they both lay down off the floor, Val lay her head on his chest.’’ When I finish ask you out to the date remember’’ Val nodded solemnly, ‘’I was excited to finally make you mine,’’ he chuckled ‘’When Mr. Jack were driven I was rushing him, when we reach on the 35th we were in the light waiting for it to turn green, it took like forever before it turn green when it finally happen Mr. Jack drive off and got hit by another driver maybe that person were drunk it ram us into a gas station I was in the back sit I punch the window glass and jump out of it, I ran to help Mr. Jack out of the car but he were stock, the car blow up, which I fall unconsciously, when I awake I find myself in a small room, I thought I was dead or something I scream my mother name out but I couldn’t heard nothing, I was dehydrate it, my face were bondage, weeks later I start to get better want it to go home until Mr. Lee told me where I was, when I finally see my face I cry my ass off, I was afraid that even mom can’t recognize me if I go back home, I didn’t want to spend my senior year so we decide to come back on my senior year I couldn’t spend it without you I couldn’t do it’’, ‘wow how your mom react when she sees you?’’ ‘’She was happy to see me we spent the whole week catching up with each other and I decide to stay with Mrs. And Mr. Lee they can’t have kid, ‘’that’s cool’ Val said, ‘’but do I have yours?, ‘’ yes’’ she said smiling, he took out the necklaces from his pocket and give it to Val’’ may I once again’’ she nodded and smile, ‘’ what happen to the bracelet I had give you?’’ he pull up his jacket and show the little bracelet with a letter D on it by the moon bracelet, she hugs him, they kissed and decide to go for a movie.